Customer Testimonials

Company / Customer Testimonials

A Word from our Customers

"If I am ever in need of any materials, Site Pro is always there with what I need in stock. If I ever have a question on a product, Site Pro is who I call first."
Chad, TX

We appreciate the service you provide. We can't tell you how much we appreciate the availability of stock you have. Site Pro has not let us down and definitely makes our jobs easier. We never have any issues with our orders and we look forward to continuing our business with you.
Josh, GA

"As a service provider in the telecommunications construction industry we are challenged by a constantly moving target, and that target is called three different things by three different people, adding yet another layer of complexity to our day-to-day operation. In a world that demands fluidity and adaptability, sourcing the materials necessary to complete a job on time and within budget is critical. Valmont/Site Pro 1 responds to quote requests quickly, typically delivers same day, have excellent follow-through and manage to price themselves very competitively, often under their competition. We continue to be impressed and look forward to working with Valmont/Site Pro 1 for many years to come."
Tony TX

"Anytime I have been in a spot where I needed a part and I needed it fast Valmont has come through."
Jeff C, Michigan

"Diane consistently offers only the most prompt, professional and accurate of service despite the constantly fluctuating material demands that myself and my company places on her. She has proven herself a valuable partner to us."
Lee M, Mass

"For the last 14 years I have worked with Anna Gibson the most when it comes to parts,materials, tower componets etc. etc. There are not enough words to describe her work ethic."
LG Mass

"I have been involved in cell tower construction for 16 years, and you will be hard pressed to find a better organization than Site Pro for your tower material needs. Consistent and accurate every time."
Ronnie GA

"Mike and the other sales people have always gone above and beyond to make sure my orders were complete and shipped in a prompt manner. It's a pleasure doing business with Valmont Site Pro."
Tony GA

"We couldn't ask for better customer service!"
Don, FL

"This group of people as whole go the extra mile to make the day to day ordering of material a breeze. I personally have been dealing with Site Pro for the past 3 years and have no issues that were left unresolved."
James, AL

"They have come through time and time again. There Customer service is bar- none the best in the industry. Also my sales rep. Mike Clementi has been excellent to work with. His attention to detail is impeccable. There is no one else that I would rather deal with. He truly makes the company stand out."
Andre, TN

"Being a project manager for 13 years, I have seen companies come and go as far as supplying materials for our client's needs. One staple has been the relationship that our company has with Site-pro and Valmont. They are economical and fast. They are the first ones we call when we have a need for tower steel. We don't have to make a second call."
Ben SC

"Over the years I have utilized numerous suppliers. I have cultivated relationships with crews in the trenches, the carriers, the owners, and our supply vendors. Of all the suppliers I use; Valmont/SitePro1 turns a quote within 3-4 hours of a request, which in turn allows me the time I need to quote a project, win that project, place our order and have onsite or in our warehouse within 24 to 48 hours. Hats Off for the speed, quality and personal service, I am a fan and will continue to use Valmont/SitePro1 for our customers satisfaction."
James, FL

"Man. You guys are something else! This is quality service! I truly appreciate it!"
 Jay P, Illinois

"Thanks for getting the gear to me right away, It was exactly what I wanted. I'll definitely call you first next time."
 Rob J, Texas

"As always, thanks for the excellent service. You guys have the quickest turn around on getting things done and parts out the door, and it is always nice to have the one go-to company that gets it done."
C.W. Wisconsin

"Thank-you again. Don't know what we would do without you guys."
Tom P, New York

"WOW you're fast. I got the stuff today. Thanks,"

"I just wanted to say thank you. In the busy moments following our conversation I lost track and in going through my emails I remembered that I hadn't thanked you."
Bill B, Arizona

"I have to take the time to thank you for your quick and courteous service. All materials were correct, delivered on time and the price was fair. Job well done, have a great day!"
Bob A, Massachusetts

"I found them at Site Pro 1 Inc. Steve Hagee is getting them to me by Wed. Great guy to deal with!! Thanks for all your help."

"We anticipate doubling or tripling our business with Site Pro 1. While others are trying to get our business no one gets it out like you do and no one is easier to deal with."
Ken, Nebraska

"You are a man of your word as I am with my payment. Once again Joe, as we go through life all we have is our word. We were just awarded 25 sites that we need 3 sector flush-mounts for monopoles and stand-off single sector mount for SST's. So we will need to talk when I get back in town. THANKS AGAIN.."
Rob K, Ohio

"The grade established had a scale from 1 to 5, with 5 being the highest attainable grade. According to our purchasing process, the grade attained by Site Pro 1 was 5.0."
Angela C, Columbia


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